API Mocking 🛠️
Using API mocking tools in the following two common scenarios is highly recommended.
1. API and client applications are developed concurrently
In this case, setting up a mock server is not obligatory. The Web team regularly updates the staging server with new endpoint deployments daily, and web development moves faster than mobile development due to the latter’s more substantial workload, such as UI implementation, logic integration, and backend implementation. This means the mobile developers can either test directly on the deployed server or use Proxyman to quickly intercept the few in-development endpoints and mock the data.
Detailed information on how to use Proxyman
2. The API is NOT developed concurrently with the client applications
A mock server is imperative in cases where API development is outside the control of Nimble, such as when it is handled by a third party or started after the client application development has begun. To ensure no obstacles or delays in the development and testing of mobile applications, Prism is a tool for creating an API mock server with mocking, transformations, and validations.