Jetpack Compose

Hero image for Jetpack Compose

These guidelines outline the best practices and conventions for building native UI with Jetpack Compose.


Several conventions apply to the Modifiers parameter, as mentioned below:

  • The modifier parameter must be named as “modifier”.
  • The modifier parameter must appear as the first optional parameter in the composable function’s parameter list.

Composable functions must NOT accept multiple Modifier parameters.

fun LoginButton(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {}

State and Event

Following official best practices, use remember if possible to minimize expensive calculations whenever the composable functions are recomposed.

fun LoginButton(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
  val rememberLoginState = remember { mutableStateOf(loginState) }
  LoginButton(modifier) {
    enabled = rememberLoginState
fun LoginButton(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
  LoginButton(modifier) {
    enabled = mutableStateOf(loginState)


Naming Unit @Composable functions as entities

The names of composable functions as entities must be a noun, but may be prefixed by descriptive adjectives written in PascalCase.

  • Naming composable functions for screens
fun HomeScreen() {}
fun homeScreen() {}

  • Naming composable functions for widgets
fun LoginButton() {}
fun loginButton() {}
fun renderLoginButton() {}

  • Naming preview functions with a Preview suffix
@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun HomeScreenPreview() {}
@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun HomeScreenpreview() {}

Naming @Composable functions

The names of composable functions that return values other than Unit must follow the standard Kotlin Coding Conventions for naming functions written in camelCase.

  • Naming @Composable functions that return values
fun defaultStyle(): Style {
fun DefaultStyle(): Style {

  • Naming @Composable functions that remember {} the objects they return

The names of composable factory functions that internally remember {} and return a mutable object must be prefixed with remember.

fun rememberLoginState(): LoginState = remember {
fun createLoginState(): LoginState = remember {

Ordering of annotations and Preview functions

  • @Preview must be placed on top of all other annotations.
  • @Composable must be located on top of class/function definition.
  • Preview functions must be added to the bottom of the files.
fun LoginButton() {}

fun LogoutButton() {}


@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun LoginButtonPreview() {}

@Preview(showBackground = true)
fun LogoutButtonPreview() {}

Separating compose functions into different files

There has been no official document on when to separate composable functions into different files yet, but these methods can be followed:

Separation by commonly used

If the component in question is used by multiple composable functions, separate it into a different class file with a generic name and its own @Preview.

fun AppToolbar(
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {

fun AppToolbarPreview() {

The composable function should NOT be separated if it is not used by others

fun HomeBottomNavigation(navController: NavController) {

fun HomeBottomNavigationPreview() {
    navController = rememberNavController()

Separation by number of UI states

If the component in question has multiple UI states, separate it into a different class file with its own @Preview.

fun CustomPizzaImage(
  pizzaOrder: PizzaOrder,
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {
  with(piazzaOrder) {
    Column(modifier) {
      when (pizzaChoice) {
        PizzaChoice.Empty -> {
        PizzaChoice.Half -> {
        PizzaChoice.Full -> {
      Text(text = pizzaName)

fun CustomPizzaImagePreview(
  @PreviewParameter(PizzaOrderProvider::class) pizzaOrder: PizzaOrder
) {
  CustomPizzaImage(pizzaOrder = pizzaOrder)

The composable function should NOT be separated if it does not have multiple UI states.

fun OrderItem(
  orderId: String,
  orderCount: Int,
  imageUrl: String,
  modifier: Modifier = Modifier
) {

fun OrderItemPreview() {
    orderId = "1234",
    orderCount = 2,
    imageUrl = ""

Detekt Rules

Configuration for Compose

In Jetpack Compose, the team follows the official Android API Guidelines to outline the patterns, best practices, and prescriptive style guidelines for writing idiomatic Jetpack Compose. However, some of these guidelines violate some of the default Detekt rules.


Using PascalCase for the function naming that violates the detekt rules:

fun HomeScreen() {}

Set ignoreAnnotated to [ 'Composable' ].


In case of having many arguments in functions of Jetpack Compose. For example, the function for the UI widget:

private fun HomeScreenContent(
    isFirstItemLoading: Boolean,
    isSecondItemLoading: Boolean,
    firstList: List<FirstItem>,
    secondList: List<SecondItem>,
    onFirstItemClick: (FirstItem) -> Unit = {},
    onSecondItemClick: (SecondItem) -> Unit = {},
    onRefresh: () -> Unit = {}
) {}

Set ignoreDefaultParameters to true.


In case of not specifying the named parameter. For example, when defining the code of color without a parameter name (i.e.,Color(color = 0xFFFFFFFF):

val White = Color(0xFFFFFFFF)

Set ignorePropertyDeclaration to true.


For the Property pattern the team also follows PascalCase from official Android API Guidelines , but for the Constant pattern, it’s still under team discussion.

val White = Color(0xFFFFFFFF)

Set the following properties:

  • propertyPattern to '(_)?[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*'.
  • constantPattern to '[A-Z][_A-Za-z0-9]*'.


Detekt will detect the composable preview functions that have been marked with @Preview as unused:

@Preview(showBackground = true)
private fun HomeScreenPreview() {

Set the following properties:

  • ignoreAnnotated to [ 'Preview' ].
  • active to true.
