Create pull requests for your GitHub Wiki

Create pull requests for your GitHub Wiki

Keep GitHub Wiki content changes reviewable, traceable, and centralized for better team collaboration with GitHub Actions, by following this step-by-step guide!
Generating Test Data in Phoenix application using ExMachina & Faker

Generating Test Data in Phoenix application using ExMachina & Faker

The purpose behind factories usage in testing and how to use ExMachina & Faker to setup test data in an Elixir Phoenix project.
A Better Architecture to Implement Forms in iOS Applications

A Better Architecture to Implement Forms in iOS Applications

How to implement a clean and maintainable Form Architecture with UITableView.
It’s time to support Edge-to-Edge

It’s time to support Edge-to-Edge

Step-by-step guide on how to enable Edge-to-edge support and how to deal with API level compatibility on Android
Product Backlog Ownership — Why It Matters

Product Backlog Ownership — Why It Matters

Have you ever loathed a Product Owner for complaining about this one small change that you made in the backlog? Here is why they got frantic.
Creating Local Authentication SDK on CocoaPods

Creating Local Authentication SDK on CocoaPods

Step-by-step guide on how we created a biometric authentication SDK published on CocoaPods.
Getting Started with RediSearch

Getting Started with RediSearch

Hands-On and Deep-Dive into RediSearch, a full-text search offering by Redis.
Hosting providers for Elixir and Phoenix applications

Hosting providers for Elixir and Phoenix applications

Learn all about the pros and cons of the major hosting providers to deploy Elixir and Phoenix applications. Let’s explore the best hosting solutions for Elixir.
The journey on choosing Elixir background job tooling

The journey on choosing Elixir background job tooling

Learn all about choosing the best tooling to implement background jobs in Elixir applications encompassing the built-in features like GenServer and third-party libraries.
Android Bangkok Conference 2020

Android Bangkok Conference 2020

The Android Conference is a great opportunity to learn from experts & fellow developers. Here are the detailed slides and code samples for our talk on Android x Protobuf.